Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Next Stop: Thailand

Now that I am a college girl, I get to go even further than Europe, and explore Thailand. This wasn't a randomly chosen destination, of course, because what would a good adventure be without some purpose and meaning?

Last year, my dad and I decided to host an exchange student, R-Lee, and she just so happened to become my best friend. She lives in Thailand with her parents, grandmother, and two brothers. After a bit of saving and a lot of excitement, my dad managed to scrape up the $6,000 for airfare, lodging, and everything else so that we could go visit her and meet the whole family.

To make it even better, R-Lee's family has planned the whole thing for their vacation too. We got the itinerary, and it had things like going to the temple, swimming and diving in the sea, and even riding an elephant!! Being from Michigan, all of these things are pretty exciting for me, especially since elephants are my favorite. The countdown is 3 days until we fly out from Saginaw, Michigan over to Detroit then to Tokyo, Japan, and then finally Bangkok, Thailand!